A command is created on a connection with SQLXMLOLEDB provider(SQLXML4.0).
1. Where do you find information for the [cmd.dialect]
2. With you can provide an InputFile and get an outputFile. What are the formats of these files?
3. What are the appropraite argumetns for the cmd's execute method?
Can you provide a link for SQLXML4.0 download?
Appreciate even part answers.
Jayaram Krishnaswamy
my web site: http://www.angelfire.com/vt2/hodentek
I blog at: http://hodentek.blogspot.com
The inputFile is really a template file. The structure of thsi file seems to have changed from version 3.0 to version 4.0.
If the inputFile(template) sent a SQL statement, it shound be executed on the server and the outFile should have the result in XML.
So far the only thing that has happnned is that the inpuTemplate file is read, the outpuFile is produced, but alas! it is the exact reproduction of input file.
inputFile: "Select * from Employees for xml raw"
outputFile: "Select * from Employees for xml raw"
Conclusions at this point:
The query never reached the server. so there appears to be a feed forward from inputFile to outFile bypassing the server.
Action Itemsleft:
find documenttion!
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