Hi all;
qrymillcgetbytype_app ( stored query in MS-Access) in my code :
query defination
PARAMETERS prmMillToolType Long;
SELECT MILLC.ID, MILLC.InsMillBdyID AS [Tool ID], MILLC.SubType, MILLC.Radius AS [End Radius], MILLC.CuttingDia AS [Tool Dia], MILLC.EffAxlCutLen AS [Effec Cut Length], MILLC.OverallLen AS [Overall Length], MILLC.HandOfCut AS [Hand Of Cut], MILLC.NoOfFlutes AS [No Of Flutes], MILLC.TmcID AS [Tool Class], MILLC.Comment, MILLC.Protrusion, MILLC.ShankDia, millC.ShoulderLen AS [Shoulder Length]
WHERE (((MILLC.[Mill Tool Type])=[prmMillToolType]) AND ((MILLC.[ON])=True))
bstrSQL contain stored query name "qrymillcgetbytype_app"
hr = piRecordSet->put_Source(bstrSQL);
piRecordSet->Open(vNull, vNull, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdUnknown)
it opens fine
but when bstrSQL contain this query name " qrymillcgetbytype_app WHERE ID > -1 AND [Tool Dia] >= 0.000000 AND [Tool Dia] <= 5.000000 "
it displays the same output. Where clause won't work?
Pls help me out.
It sounds like you want to further refine the results of the qrymillcgetbytype query...In this case, I wouldn't expect appending an additional where clause to the query name to be parsed correctly. One suggestion that might work is to use something like:
SELECT * FROM qrymillcgetbytype_app WHERE <your where clause here>
|||Hi ;
Thanks for reply.
Well previous code was functional in case of DAO.
When I do Creating a recordeset by DAO.
but that Code should also be functional for the case of ADO?
Waiting for your response.
Thanks in Advance Again.
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