I'd like to create an ado connection to my linked server called Prob_Schd on
a machine called pccn-nt.
When I use the code below I recieve an error of the type ' Invalid
connection string attribute'. Would someone show me how to create an ado
connection to a linked server?
dim oConn, strConn
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConn = "provider=SQLOLEDB; Datasource=Prob_Schd; Initial Catalog=null
trusted_Connection=yes "
oConn.Open strConn
set GetDataConnection = oConnADO doesn't know anything about SQL Server's linked servers. You could
connect locally, and then execute queries like adoConnObject.Execute("SELECT
* FROM Prob_Schd.pubs.dbo.authors") or, you could make an OLEDB connection
directly to the linked server.
The specific error you are getting is because the "Datasource" attribute
you've used should have a space, "Data Source"... but I'm pretty sure ADO
will still be unable to find that server unless it is in the hosts file on
the machine (in other words, it doesn't care if that's a linked server in
SQL Server).
"Chieko Kuroda" <ckuroda@.med.unc.edu> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'd like to create an ado connection to my linked server called Prob_Schd
> a machine called pccn-nt.
> When I use the code below I recieve an error of the type ' Invalid
> connection string attribute'. Would someone show me how to create an ado
> connection to a linked server?
> Thanks,
> Chieko
> dim oConn, strConn
> Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> strConn = "provider=SQLOLEDB; Datasource=Prob_Schd; Initial
> trusted_Connection=yes "
> oConn.Open strConn
> set GetDataConnection = oConn
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