I am trying to access a table that I know exists and has data. But, when I create a recordset and check for RecordCount, I get a result -1 (no records). When I access the same table (using the same program), it reports (and I can view in a dbgrid) 752580 records exist.
Here's some of the code:
The table is originally copied from another database; I use the following code to be sure the previous connection is closed before proceeding.
If Not adoRS Is Nothing Then
If adoRS.State = adStateOpen Then adoRS.Close
Set adoRS = Nothing
End If
If Not DbConn Is Nothing Then
If DbConn.State = adStateOpen Then DbConn.Close
Set DbConn = Nothing
End If
Then a new connection (it works) is opened to access the database with the copied table:
strDbConn = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False;Database=" & strDbName & ";" & _
"AttachDBFileName=" & DbPath & ";Data Source=.\sqlexpress;" & _
"User Instance=True"
Next I tried to create the recordset:
Set adoNewRS = New ADODB.Recordset 'Set OHLC recordset
Set adoNewRS.ActiveConnection = DestDbConn
adoNewRS.Open TableName, DestDbConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Next I try to get the RecordCount:
NumRecords = adoNewRS.RecordCount
At this point, NumRecords (and adoNewRS.RecordCount) = -1 (even tho I know there are 752580 records in the table).
In the adoNewRS.Open statement, I also tried using the following sql statement:
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY [DateTime];"
It also returns a recordcount = -1.
Anybody have clue?
While debugging, I noticed that adoNewRS.Open was taking about as long as the SQL query in ssms. So, I added adoNewRS.MoveLast & msgbox adoNewRS!XHigh and it popped up with the correct value. Apparently, the recordset was created correctly but the RecordCount value was wrong (as noted in previous post).
Using this new info, I discovered a PRB:
Apparently, in some cases, CursorLocation = adUseServer returns -1 instead of the correct RecordCount. Changing the value to adUseClient resolved the issue.
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